Maximize Your Pay for All Your Loads
Heavy duty portable scales - maximize every load every day

Sold At Dealers sUpporting These Equipment lines
Portable Heavy Duty Platform Scale For Loggers
Maxi-Load is an industry-leading supplier and service support provider of heavy-duty truck weighing scales. Since 1996, Maxi Load has been providing the highest level of weighing scales and support to our customers. Maxi Load’s scales are designed to be the most durable, versatile, and accurate scales on the market today.
Portable Heavy Duty Portable Scale For Loggers
Maxi-Load is a provider of heavy-duty portable platform scales. Since 1996, Maxi-Load has been providing an accurate, durable, and trouble-free all-terrain portable scale.

All Weather + All Ground
If you can load there we can weigh there.
Compact + Easy To Move
Easy to move from deck-to-deck and from site-to-site using conventional equipment.
Our original scale built in 1996 is still in use and weighing trucks all day every day.
Monitor truck weight in loader cab as you load.
Confidently Maximize your payload
Eliminate Light Loads
These can easily amount to $1000 a week
Eliminate Mill Penalties
These can be significant in time and money
Eliminate DOT Weight Fines
How Much Are Light Loads Costing You Each Week?
The difference between almost loaded and fully loaded is a whole lot of your money
Are light loads costing you money?
Could you be making more money for the same amount of work?

Outfits Using Maxi-Load Scales

Ussery Timber

Timbermaxx Logging

Snowtimber Company