How It Works
We need three things to accurately weigh your truck: the loaded weight of the steer axle, the loaded weight of the truck's tandem axles, and the loaded weight of the trailer axle.
Record The Loaded Weight Of The Steer Axle
The loaded weight of each truck's steer axle changes very little from one load to the next. We only weigh it once, number our trucks, and store the steer axle weight in our monitor next to the truck's number.
In Practice
When the loader operator sees a truck coming in he selects that truck's number and hits "ENTER" - (this stores the steer axle weight)
Move The Drive Axles Onto The Scale and Load The Truck To Its Target Weight
This is where you begin to maximize your payload and confidently place logs on the trailer until you hit your target weight.
In Practice
When the truck is loaded to a Target Weight - The loader operator hits "ENTER" - (This stores the drive axle weight)
Pull The Trailer Onto The Scale, Press Enter, See Your Total Load
This is the third and final step required to maximize your payload and control your truck weights.
In Practice - Pull Forward
When the trailer axle comes onto the scale, the loader operator hits "ENTER" - (This stores the trailer axle weight)
The Maxi-Load scale monitor automatically displays the total weight of the truck.
Getting set up with a Maxi-Load Scale is Straight Forward and Easy
Purchase From Major Forestry Equipment Suppliers
We have long standing relationships with all of them. Pick the one you like to work with. Ask them to call us. They handle the money process, we will take care of you!
Delivered directly to your job site and installed by Maxi-Load factory personnel.
Onsite Training
On-site training for you and your loader operator is part of the delivery process. We strive to see you accurately weighing your trucks quickly.
You Are Now Set to Maximize Your Loads
Our product is durable and easy to operate. Our delivery is turnkey. You are now ready to weigh every truck you load going forward.
Customer Service
Technical support and operational questions - Our phones are answered 24/7 for the life of your scale.